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Which Irish Chipper Foodstuff Are You?

A big battered sausage or a tub of mushy peas? Well?

spiceburger Source: Instagram/seandkearney

1. Pick a drink to go with your order.


Bottled water
Diet Coke
2. Which is your preferred night to indulge in a chipper.?

Any night baby, I do what I want
3. Do you have a 'local' chipper you're loyal to, or do you like to sample the wares of all the establishments in your area?
Love me local
I get around
4. And finally, salt and vinegar?
Yes please
No thanks
Answer all the questions to see your result!
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You're the last few crispy chips in the bag!
Oh MAN. What a delight you are. Extremely sought after, you brighten up lives on a daily basis. Keep being your crispy self.
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You're a big battered sausage!
Sure, your gnarled, phallic appearance scares some people off, but it draws others in. How can something so wrong be so right?
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You're a nice lil tub of garlic sauce!
Like garlic sauce, you improve everything by just being in the room. You also make our breath stink, but we love you anyway.
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You're a spice burger!
Oh so mysterious. What exactly are you? Why are you? And why can't we stay the f**k away from you?
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You're a heavenly snack box!
You've got everything a person could need. Sustenance, hydration, delicious fried chicken skin. You contain multitudes.
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You're that mysterious pink sauce!
Prawn sauce? Marie Rose? Ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together? No one knows what to call you, they just know they can't stay away from you.
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You're a taco chip!
You mightn't look too pretty on the outside. but aren't we always saying it's the inside that counts?
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You're a big vat of chipper vinegar!
Those who hate you want nothing to do with you. Those who love you want to cover themselves in you. The Marmite of takeaway items.
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You're a Wurly Burger!
Known and loved by a select few. Some people say a battered burger in a bun is wrong, but if so, who wants to be right?
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You're a chicken goujon!
You're not flashy, battered, or spicy, but you know what? F**k all that. You know your real friends would choose your juicy self over the rest of 'em anyway.
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You're tub of curry sauce!
You probably don't get enough credit for what you bring to the table, but know that you are loved and respected. Da real MVP.
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You're a big bit of battered cod!
So important you even have your own day. You rule the roost, and you don't let anybody forget about it.
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